SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa Event Photos

Fire Chiefs; Executive Development Conference 2017
Stormy and Blaze participating in set up this week. For three years SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa has been present as a vendor. Passing out candy, hand sanitizer, chap stick, pens and paper for classes we are happy to support local and state Fire Chiefs!

Red Cross Blood Drive
This year, State Farm, Fox 6 News and SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa volunteered and donate for the Red Cross Holiday Blood Drive.
We had over 90 bags of blood donated and so many people that were willing to help!

First Annual Toy Drive
This year, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa partnered with Tuscaloosa's One Place to put on a toy drive for local children within our community. The TOP organization has been around for years and has left a footprint in the Tuscaloosa community. Their Holiday Heart Campaign helps Tuscaloosa's children in need have a Christmas. With the help of some of the SERVPRO team, Northport Auto Supply and the Michael Mcguire State Farm Office, we were able to get most of the items on one child's needs list and additional toys and wrapping paper for other children. We look forward to making this an annual partnership and supporting our community with local Non-Profits!

31 Days of Stormy and Blaze 2016
In an effort to spread some punny Holiday cheer, Stormy and Blaze took over SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa's social medias everyday to show the world what they Dream Team Duo are up to here in Tuscaloosa. From photography shoots with team members, to sneaking the last of the sweet tea in the fridge. It is never a dull moment.
Idea adopted from a fellow SERVPRO Franchise and the Elf on a Shelf holiday fun!

DCH Drive for the Cause 2016
In early October, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa participated for the second year in the annual Drive for the Cause golf tournament put on by the DCH Foundation.

Second Annual Golf Tournament
More fun from the Second Annual Golf Tournament this October 2016 benefitting Tuscaloosa's local chapter of The American Red Cross! We are already looking forward to more fun next year!

Second Annual Golf Tournament
We had so much fun at our Second Annual Golf Tournament benefitting the American Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign in October. The weather was beautiful, food was amazing and the company could not have been better! Thank you to all the golfers that joined us again and those that participated the first time. We look forward to next year and growing the tournament even more!

2016 Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
We had a great time representing SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa, while supporting all the great men and women at the 2016 Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference! We greatly appreciate all our firefighters do for us!

Tinsel Trail 2015
This holiday season we had the great pleasure of supporting our local community through Tuscaloosa's One Place Tinsel Trail fundraiser. This project is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of local families, serving over 8,500 people per year through after school programs, parenting and fatherhood, healthy relationship education, career development, GED classes, and teen intervention programs. Proceeds from the Tinsel Trail are used to support these programs and serve our local community. Not only did we get to decorate this awesome SERVPRO Christmas tree, but we also got to be a part of really great cause.

SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa's First Annual Golf Tournament
October 2015, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa hosted its First Annual Golf Tournament at Tall Pines Golf Club. We had a blast showing appreciation to our customers as well as raising over $1,500 for the American Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign. SERVPRO is proud to support our Tuscaloosa Community!

SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa's First Annual Golf Tournament
Octobor 2015, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa hosted its First Annual Golf Tournament at the Tall Pines Golf Club. Our managers had a great time supporting the American Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign and interacting with all the golfers through out the tournament.

SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa's First Annual Golf Tournament
At our First Annual SERVPRO Golf Tournament we had fun games on a few of the holes. Here is an action shot caught at the Dehumidifier Drive. Not only did the games help raise money for the American Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign, but it also gave the players a slight advantage at the hole. With the support of the players and our sponsors we were able to raise $1,500 for the American Red Cross Fire Prevention Campaign!

2015 DCH Breast Cancer Fund
During the month of October, DCH held a golf tournament at the Indian Hills Country Club. This golf tournament raised money for the DCH Breast Cancer Fund. We truly enjoyed sponsoring this tournament to help out such a great cause.

2015 Home Builders Association Golf Tournament
Home Builders Association hosted a golf tournament in September at Ol' Colony Golf Club. To show our support, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa sponsored a hole for the Home Builders Association. We set up a tent at the hole and gave out fun prizes to all the players.
2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
On Feb. 3 - 6, the City of Tuscaloosa hosted the 2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference in Tuscaloosa. SERVPRO® of Tuscaloosa interfaced with and supported over 250 fire chiefs from every fire department in the state of Alabama. SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa also gave away "Goodie Bags" to all the participants. The Argo - St. Claire fire department even won a FREE iPad mini courtesy of SERVPRO® of Tuscaloosa.
2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
At the 2015 Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference in Tuscaloosa, the Argo - St. Claire fire department even won a free iPad mini courtesy of SERVPRO® of Tuscaloosa.
2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
SERVPRO® of Tuscaloosa had a great time supporting over 250 fire chiefs from every fire department in the state of Alabama at the 2015 Chiefs Executive Development Conference.
2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
The 2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference was fun and educational!
2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference
The 2015 State of Alabama Fire Chiefs Executive Development Conference was fun and educational!
2014 Tuscaloosa Tinsel Trail
SERVPRO® Of Tuscaloosa's Tinsel Trail Tree!

2014 Tuscaloosa Tinsel Trail
2014 Tinsel Trail Tree Decorating