Community Photo Gallery

Christmas Cookies 2016
Stormy and Blaze helping organize cookies with to marketing reps. Each year, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa tries to get cookies out to all the local insurance offices. This is a thank you for all that they do for our community, as well as, good wishes and a Happy Holidays!

SERVPROttown Toy Drive
Tuscaloosa has an amazing community! SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa partnered with Tuscaloosa's one place to help with the Holiday Heart Campaign. The campaign is in place to collect toys for local children in need at Christmas.

Tinsel Trail 2016
Every year, Tuscaloosa's One Place hosts a Tinsel trail fundraising event for the community of Tuscaloosa. Organizations and businesses purchase Christmas trees to be set up at the Tuscaloosa River Walk. Each business and organization decorates their tree for the community to enjoy during the holidays!
SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa is happy to have been a part of this fundraiser for the last 3 years!

First Place SERVPRO Golf Tournament 2016
Albert Thompson presented the First Place prize winners from the Second Annual SERVPRO Golf Tournament to Joe Duckworth of Keller Williams. His teammates, who could not be present today, were Bobby Bragg and Andrew Hudson. Many thanks to Wagner's who supplied a Nike golf Polo for each of the winner's and Peterbrooke Chocolatier for their yummy Red Cross Chocolate bars! The winner's also received a crystal trophy and a gift card to Academy Sports and Outdoors!

Red Cross Check Presentation 2016
In October, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa hosted a golf tournament at Tall Pines of Woodland Forrest benefiting The American Red Cross West Alabama Chapter. October is Fire Prevention month and Red Cross is trying to educate households and businesses to create and practice a two minute emergency escape plan. This year, SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa, with the help of our wonderful sponsors, raffle donors, and golfers were able to donate $1600.00 to the campaign! We Love our Tuscaloosa Community!!

2016 SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa Golf Tournament
Thank you to all the sponsors for our 2016 Golf Tournament!
SERVPRO of Tuscaloosa had a fantastic time at Tall Pines of Woodland Forrest interacting with both the golfers and the sponsors that could make it out and watch the tournament. It was a beautiful morning and absolutely perfect weather despite the heat. We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch of grilled chicken and braised short ribs catered by a locally owned steak restaurant- R. Davidson's Chophouse. Lunch sponsors this year were CRDN Textiles, Bell Construction, and R Davidson' themselves donated a large portion of the food costs. Without the sponsorship from each of these wonderful companies, we would not be able to host such a relaxing event for an amazing organization the American Red Cross.